Xmas eve eve
Merry Christmas!!
Movie review6 whale rider
This was the story about the Maori who are of native people New Zealand. They were faced with a difficult problem. It was extinction. The story’s leading character was a girl and her name was Paikea. She was a child who inherited the blood of a legendary the person, whale rider. But when she was born, her grandfather was not delighted. Because Paikea was a baby girl. He looked for a second coming of the whale rider and he thought that the person would be a male. I thought that the notion is too old and it is strange. First, he was frosty to Paikea, but he was getting kinder and kinder to her. He seemed to be good grandfather and grandchild. I felt relief. But one day when Paikea went with her father to Germany, her grandfather said, “It was the beginning of unhappiness when Paikea was born. He looked forward to the serious who saved their village from death. It meant whale rider and it did not mean a woman. He was too dissatisfied with Paikea. I felt anger at the words. It is a very sad thing that the village goes out of existence, but it is not her rfault. Of course, it is not anyone's fault. He should not put the responsibility on another. I think that the thing that many babies are born is very happy.
Finally, everyone considered Paikea a whale rider and her grandfather too. He regretted having been hard on her and he was returned to the grandfather who loved his grandchild. It was a happy ending. But that I can not understand, because I could not forget about his bad words. I did not like this movie too much.
Movie Review5 Groundhog Day
This movie's leading character was a man who was a weather forecaster. His name was Phil and he was a very popular person. But he had a bad character. One February 2nd, he visited one local town in Pennsylvania to do a location of Groundhog Day. It was a local event, so Phil who lives in a big city felt dull. He wanted to finish his job as soon as possible. But the desire did not come true, because there was storm the night and he could not go back to his town. When he got up next morning, he was surprised. The day was Groundhog Day, again!!!! It should be February 3rd, but it was on February 2nd. Then he repeated the day. In other words, everyday was Groundhog Day. First, he tried to return from February 2nd to the true day or to his town. But it was impossible. He killed himself many times but he revived each time and he did not escape from the day. I thought that he was very bitter but he should not kill himself. Life is very priceless. Then he changed his mind and he began to do many good things for the people in this local town. And he had a love there. He did not get in good with the woman, but he did not give up. I felt that I wanted to cheer his love.
When I finished watching this movie, I thought that we can not be happy unless other people are happy. It was a tragic story, but it was a very good comedy, too. I liked it very much and I want to recommend it to my friends who have never watched this movie. It became one of my favorite movies.
Speaking Group project
Do you usually eat lunch on the campus?
yes) 109 people no) 15 people
Are you satisfied with foods of the campus?
yes)61 people no) 63 people
Have you ever bought your lunch at the lunch counter outside the cafeteria?
yes) 18 people no) 106 people
Do you often use a vending machine?
yes) 92 people no) 32 people
Have you left campus to eat lunch outside?
yes)41 people no) 83 people
Have you bought something to eat at Maruzen?
yes) 72 people no) 52 people
Do you think the business hours of cafeteria, Maruzen and something else are proper?
yes) 61 people no) 63 people
Have you given up to take a lunch on lunchtime?
yes) 58 people no) 66 people
Do you think cafeteria is too small?
yes) 31 people no) 93 people
Do you think that the price of cafeteria's foods is reasonable?
yes) 43 people no) 81 people
Where do you usually eat lunch?
a)bakery 28 people b)cafeteria 59 people c)student union 11 people d)other 26 people
Where do you usually buy your lunch?
a)bakery 21 b)cafeteria 47 c)LAWSON 28 d)other 28
What is your most favorite noodles?
a)udon 38 b)buckwheat 22 c)Chinese noodle 51 d)pasta 23
Where food places do you want to improve?
a)LAWSON 3 b)cafeteria 94 c)bakery 27 d)other 0
If you go outside to eat lunch, what do you want to eat?
a)ramen 11 b)sushi 22 c)yakiniku 67 d)other 24
What time do you want Maruzen to open?
a)8:00 13 b)9:00 71 c)10:00 32 d)other 8
If another convenience store will be built, where do you want?
a)Seven Eleven 38 b)Family Mart 51 c)Daily 2 d)other 33
What do you want new foods on the campus?
fast food(MacDonald, Kentucky..)48% pizza and pasta 26% cake 4% sushi 12% other 10%
What is unsatisfied point that you think of foods on campus?
nothing 35% expensive 42% irrelevant volume 13% not delicious 8% a little kind 2%
What is satisfied point that you think of foods on campus?
delicious 24% cheap 18% many kinds 12% Lawson 34% bakery 12%
What is your favorite cafeteria' menu?
curry 22% hashed rice 5% day lunch/big bowl of rice 8% ramen 25% udon/soba 28% other 12%
What is your favorite drink?
tea 28% coffee 14% soda(coke)30% fruit juice 20% dairy product juice(milk,strawberry milk)8%
This movie’s leading character was a drummer. Whose name is Devon and he is a freshman in a prestigious university of music. It is A&T University. He was not supported by his father who despaired of playing music. On the other hand, he held his mother dear. He got a room in the dormitory. In A&T University, all freshmen had to wear white T-shirts, because white means a new person having no knowledge. Devon was good at drums and he was preeminent among the other students. So he was a very self-conscious and impertinent person. He rebelled against his leader, Shawn. And he raised a lot of problems. Lee who was the director said one thing to Devon. I was impressed by it. It was that study to follow anyone before you lead them. I thought that it is right. Devon was saucy but he was admitted by his ability. So he got through the test for being a member of P1. P1 was a band that assembles only superior persons. But he demoted from P1 to P4 at once, because he could not read music. Moreover, he caused a disturbance and he was dismissed from the band. I thought that it was a reasonable disposition, and Devon being self-conscious would be better after punishment. Thereafter he went straight.
When I watched this movie, I understood one thing that A&T University was university for black. But there was one white student. He was said, “You have no motor nerves, because you are white!!” I was surprised that there are universities for black people and this discriminatory word.
Finally, A&T University’s band beat MB University’s band which was A&T University’s rival. It was the best ending. Their performance was very wonderful and I was moved by it. But there was only one bad point. It was the point that they threw down their sticks. I think that the people who love music and play any musical instruments must treat them well. This was a very fresh movie, so I identified myself with it and it was very easy to watch. I liked it very much.
Book review 2-8
I read this book. The title is " TINY THE SNOW DOG". I have read same kind of this book and I like it very much. There were a boy and a very big dog. The dog's name was Tiny. The boy and Tiny had a very good relationship. On this story, they enjoyed playing with snow. I felt that this seemed very interesting!! I want to play together. It was a very cut story.
Book review 2-7
Movie review3 Cars
First of all, this movie began with a scene of car racing. Three cars reached their goal at the same time and they would race again in California one week later. The one car was called King and he decided to retire from car racing on the cup, because he was old to race. The second car's name was Chick and he always got second place. The last car's name was Lightning McQueen and he was the leading character. He had a wonderful technique and talent of car racing, so he had a lot of fans. But McQueen was self-conscious and egotistic. A lot of people around him had hostile to his action. So he did not have any friends. I understood the thing because he have no person who he gave some ticket of his racing cup. I had pity on him. When I watched this movie for fifteen minutes, I noticed that there were no humans in this movie. They were all cars. it was a very strange world!! On his way to California, he had an accident and he arrived one little town. The town's name was Radiator Springs. The town did not appear on the map because the freeway completed and the town went downhill, but there were cars who were considerate of other people. McQueen lived there with them and he felt sympathy for the town little by little. I liked Meter who was one of character in this town. Because he was dirty but he was very kind and pure. His pure mind was very cute and unique. So I liked him very much. I want to be his friend.
At the cup in California, the cars of the town helped McQueen and cheered. Thanks to them, he was going to the goal first. But finally, he abandoned his victory and he opted to helped King who did not move due to a crash.
I finished seeing this movie, I felt that kindness to other people is very precious!! We usually want to put other people before ourselves. It is very difficult for us to fall victim to others. I thought that it is very brave. I want to be a person as McQueen. This movie was very good, beyond my expectation.
Book review 2-6
Book review 2-5
I went to Aso with my boyfriend a few days ago. The day was very hot, so we wanted to eat delicious ice cream cone. I drove my car and took him there. As expected Ice cream cone in Aso was very very fresh and rich. We were satisfied. Then, there were a lot of cosmos!! It was very beautiful. We took some picture there. It was a very nice date.
[74 words/7291 words]
Book review 2-4
I read this book. The tittle is " Turtle and Snake's Spooky Halloween". It was the story about Halloween!! It was a Halloween day yesterday, so I choose this book.
The Turtle and Snake were very nice friends and they planed a Halloween party. they invited their friends, got a lot of pumpkins, decorated their home, set up some games and made the snacks. They perfected the arrangement for the Halloween party surely. The rest of the arrangement was costumes!! They tried many costumes. Finally, they choose the costumes of pumpkins. Who is on the left? Who is on the right? They became indistinguishable. Their shape was very cute!! I thought that the party was very enjoyable and I want to take part in them.
[127 words/7217 words]
I went to eat lunch with Izymi a few days ago. We had interview of our new part time job. After the interview, Izumi took me very nice cafe. We could eat the lunch set with only five hundred yen there. I had a little money, so I was very happy. Moreover, it was very delicious and substantial!! I was satisfied with the lunch very much. Thank you Izumi. I want to go there again.
[ 78 words/7090 words]
Movie review2 Mrs. Doubtfire
Daniel and Miranda were the husband and wife and they had three children. Daniel had a rare special talent. It was the knack to be able to change his voice, and he was a very funny person. He doted on his children. But he had a bad point. It was the point that he did not have job. He always played with the children without working. Miranda was very angry at his nature. She was a good designer and her job was very busy. She always was bound up in her job. Daniel and Miranda were not getting on. So they decided to divorce. I thought that fathers should work hard for their families, but should not divorce. I like a father something like Daniel. They went to count and Miranda got a right to bring up their children, because Daniel did not have a job. He could meet the children only once a week. But he loved his children and they loved him, too. I love my father and mother. If they divorce, I would be bowed by grief everyday. I need to have worry, because they have a very good relationship. I felt pity for the children.
Miranda decided to employ a lady as home helper. When Daniel learned the thing, he had the job. But I was sure that she did not do such a thing. That was right. Then, he used his special talent and he got the help of his brother. The brother was a cosmetic artist and he seemed feminine. And Daniel dressed up as an old lady home helper. Her name was Mrs. Doubtfire. Her shape and interior was the perfect home helper. Miranda was deceived and she welcomed Mrs. Doubtfire as a home helper. I was surprised at his disguise. It was really real and I thought that everyone was deceived by him. It was a little weird but I want a disguise like this.
He identified with Mrs. Doubtfire and he got a good relation with his family anew. And he changed for the better. He was able to do something that he could not do before. For example keeping everything in order and cooking. I thought that the cause was his strong feeling that he wanted to be with his children. Miranda began to admit him. Then, one affair happened!!!!!!!! Daniel fought Miranda’s new boyfriend tooth and nail and he did not awake to come off his perfect disguise. If I were him, I would not help the boyfriend. It was envy. But Daniel helped. He was a very kind person and he had the sense of equity.
In the last judicial day, he did not get the right, too. He got a job. Why? Because his action was considered unusual. His speech in the court was very emotional and I was moved to tears.
Finally, he could see his children every day, because Miranda admitted his love for the children. But they did not cancel to the divorce. I thought that all families should live together. But when I finished watching this movie, I felt that families have their happy form. This was one of my favorite movies.
Book review 2-3
Book review 2-2
Book review 2-1
Movie review1 Mr. incredible
As for this story, one man who lost the occupation of hero is drawn as the main character. His name was Bob. These heroes had any special ability and they defended citizens' peace strongly. However, the government considered the activity to be too dangerous. And, the hero's activity has been prohibited by the government. Bob who lost his job became an average salaried worker. Because he had had a special ability, he had new worry. It was very funny and was interesting. He determined to return to the being hero taking advantage of a certain incident. There was a fight with his family. But they were reconciled, and they came to cooperate each other. Especially, the impressive one was an appearance of the growth of Violet who was his eldest daughter. She had a diffident personality. However, she saw her father's energy, and changed.
As for this movie, development was speedy, but it was very comprehensible. There were a lot of funny points, and I was made to laugh many times. When I saw the movie, I felt love of family very much. This movie became one of my favorite works.
I went to Kyoto's product exhibition at Tsuruya department store. My mother wanted to go there so I took her there a few days ago. There were a lot of Kyoto's products. Kyoto's Japanese sweets are very famous and delicious. I like them very much. We bought a lot of sweets. A cream puff was my favorite sweet. There was enough cream of powdered green tea in that. But it was not too sweet. I was glad that I could eat delicious foods.
[88 words/5253 words]
SpeakingⅣ week1 Your vacation
Second, I talked with Sakito. He went to Fukuoka with his family in September. They looked around Ashyura exhibition. And he worked as an examiner with his friend in August. His summer vacation sounded good.
Finally, I talked with Narumi. She talked with Hiroko before we talked. She told Hiroko's summer vacation to me. Hiroko went to Miyazaki with her friends in her summer vacation. She enjoyed watching the sea there. And she worked as a waiter at a Chinese restaurant. She worked about two a week. She had a very nice vacation.
31 ice cream!!
SpeakingⅣ Cocktail Party
My name is Anne and I am 24 years old. I am from Ethiopia in Africa but I live in Egypt now. Because there are a lot of jobs. I work as bartender at night. My hobby is photography and I take many picture at my holidays with my daughter. I hate small spaces so my home is large. Please come my home♪♪
First, I met Kate at the party. She comes from Canada in North America and she is 30 years old. Her hobby is reading and she hates flying. Surprisingly, her occupation is a jewel thief!! But she was a very kind person.
Second, I met Martin. She is 25 years old and she is from Canada. Her job is a veterinarian. Her hobby is reading and she hates computer. She was a very smart and cute person.
I met a lot of other people at the party. It was a very nice party♪♪
Kumamoto Castle
I went to Kumamoto castle a few days ago. I have lived in Kumamoto since I was born. But I have not gone there only once. A few years ago, new palace was restored there and I thought that I want to see it. So I went to there for a long time. The new palace was very big and great. I was excited. If you have never gone there, you try to go there.
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In Kagoshima
I went to eat Korean barbecued beef with my father and mother a few days ago. We went to Cowbell. This is the restaurant near our house. I ate it after a long time so I was very happy and I ate until my stomach distends. After we finished eating, " I want to Chinese noodle," my father said to us. I was very surprised but I went along with him. We went to a Chinese noodle restaurant near our house. We had eaten sufficiently. I have to diet.....!!
[90 words/4563 words]
I found a nice cafe in my summer vacation. There is the cafe on Kami street. The name is Switch. At first, I knew the cafe in the magazine. The cafe's popular menu are some sandwiches. I chose a sandwich with slices of avocado and shrimp between. It had good Japanese horseradish and mayonnaise sauce. It was a little fiery but very very delicious!! I liked it very much and I want to eat again. Please try to eat it♪♪
[83 words/4473 words]
Today, I drove to Aso with my friends. First, we went to a bakery to eat lunch. I ate this hot dog. It used a sausage that got a gold award in Germany. I was very impressed to eat it. Because it was very fresh, substantial and delicious!! I thought that I can eat it many. I want to go there again and I will eat it. Second, we went to a ice cream cone's shop. The ice cream cone was very fresh and sweet. Then, we went each home. We were gourmet today.
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Movie Day☆

I went to see a movie with my mother on September 11th. The movie's name is the 20th century boys. It have three chapters. The chapter 1 and the chapter 2 were already exhibited before and we watched them. The movie exhibited to the public this time is the last chapter. We were looking forward to it. Before we watch the movie, we went to Starbucks Coffee to eat breakfast. We were ready to see the movie very much and we saw it. It was a eerie story and I was kept in suspense by the movie. But I enjoyed it very much. Please see from Chapter 1, if you have never seen them. After we finished seeing it, we shopped there and we went our home. I had a very massive day.
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Camp!!!! September 7~9

I went to Ichihusayama to camp with Aoi, Arisa, Yukari, Kyosuke, Yusuke and Otocchi. Otocchi is Kyosuke and Yusuke's friend and he took us there by his car. And Kyosuke took us, too. The first day, We lodged in a tent. After we arrived there, we played volleyball, we did relay race and we play with water in the river. We were very active and I enjoyed very much. After we played some sports, we had a barbecue and played bingo. It was a very nice time. The second day, we lodged in a cottage. It was very clean and large. There was a TV so we were comfortable. We went to the hot springs and we could relax very much. We cooked curry rice at dinner. Aoi almost cooked them. It was very delicious. Thank you, Aoi. I had a very good memory of this summer.
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September 5
I dated with my boyfriend on September 4th. We often go to Karaoke and we went there this day, too. We singed for three hours. And I quarreled with him so I went back my home alone without eating dinner together. Instead, I bought a ice cream cone at the convenience store near my home. The taste was purple sweet potato. It was very sweet and delicious. After I went home, I made it up with him.
Trip ☆ in Kobe②
Trip ☆ in Kobe①
The second day, we got up early and we went to Kobe from Kagawa. Kobe is a leading city in Japan. First, we ate beef steak at lunch. Kobe beef is very famous for delicious foods and high class. We had come from a great distance and my mother treated herself to pay for it. It was very very delicious. I had not eaten a delicious steak so much. Thanks, mom. Second, we went to look around some old house of western giant. Any house was large and they were Western though they had built in Japan. There were a lot of beautiful antique and I enjoyed there very much. Finally, we enjoyed shopping. There are a lot of shops in Kobe so we could not see sufficiently. When the night came, we could see a very beautiful night view. The night view stretches as far as we can see. It moved me very much. I took many pictures. We ate dinner while seeing the night view. It was very supreme mind.
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Trip ☆ in Kagawa!!
August 31th

Today, I went to one cafe. The name is J cafe. There is the cafe on Shimo street. This is one of my favorite cafe and there are many kinds of lunch set. I ate today's pasta lunch. Today's pasta was shrimp with chili sauce and it was Chinese taste. If you have not been there yet, please try to go there.
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Pet shop♪
I like animals very much. I have two dogs so I often go to the pet shop to buy their foods or toys. A few days ago, I went to the pet shop near my home with my mother. There are many kinds of animals and I was excited. Especially, I liked this animal. This is one of monkey and it's name is squirrel monkey. It was very small and very very cut!! When I tried to take a picture with my cellular phone, he seemed to have been interested in it. The operation was very pretty and I was healed by it. I want to go there again☆☆
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August 22th
I had a part time job and a tight schedule this week. So I was not able to go out with my father and mother recently. Today, my part time job finished until daytime so I went to eat lunch with them. We went to Chinese restaurant, Sanriton. It is near Suizenji park and it is one of our favorite restaurant. My recommendation is black Tantan noodle. It is very hot and spicy. If you eat it, you must be hooked. After we finished eating lunch, we went to Kuwamizu. Kuwamizu means divine water in Japanese, so there are a lot of beautiful water. We kept ourselves cool there. Then we went shopping at Hikarinomori. I bought a hat. Today was very relaxing day.
Class reunion
I saw my friends in high school days after a long separation. Because I had a class reunion the day before yesterday. It was class when I was the second grade of high school. I was a literary class so our class had a lot of girls.
Eight girls and four boys came for the class reunion. There were not so many as I had hoped. But, I was very glad to see them . And we went to eat dinner. The restaurant's name was the Meiji Restoration. There were a lot of things that looks like Meiji age. The atmosphere was very fun and cool. The dishes was very delicious so I liked the restaurant. We enjoyed talking about a lot of things. Because it was late that the class reunion finished, I did not have way to go back my home. There was some friends who had the same problem as me. So I went to Karaoke with them. We were there until next morning. We enjoyed singing and talking there. It was very tough day.
[179 words/2520 words]
Girls talk♪

A few days ago, I met my friend Minami. She and I went to same junior high school and high school. We belonged same badminton club. Now, she commute to Kumamoto University so we go to different school. But I have good relationship with her.
We went to Tsukinoutage for dinner. I went to the restaurant at the first time. It had very good atmosphere and the foods was very delicious and cheep. We enjoyed talking while eating dinner. We talked about each other's school, our junior high school days, our high school days, love and our future. We had a very good time♪♪
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Swimming pool!!!
Hello!! How is your summer vacation?? I enjoy very much. A few days ago, I went to the swimming pool with Yukari, Izumi and Eri. I met Izumi and Eri at Kumamoto Gakuen University with Yukari by my car. And we left for the pool. We got excited when we arrived there. I looked forward to water chute. So we slided it twice. It was very fun!! We enjoyed swimming there for three hours. After we enjoyed very much, we went to the family restaurant. I ate Anmitsu there. Anmitsu is Japanese sweets and one of my favorite food. It was very sweet and delicious. We talked about a lot of things and I took Izumi and Eri by my car. Then I and Yukari went back to our home town and we went to eat Chinese noodle in Tatsunoya. We like it very much and I often go to eat it. I was tired but it was very enjoyable day!!
[162 words/2234 words]

First, we met at Kumamoto Station. There was a temporary train for Otachimisaki and we took the train. So we were able to arrive there only one hour. There was a shuttle bus from the station to the beach, too. It was a very comfortable time. We changed into our bathing suit and we rented same float ring. At once, we swam in the ocean bath. It was a very pleasant time. I feared a lot of jellyfish in the sea but there were a few of them. I enjoyed bathing in the sea because I was relieved. We bought Takoyaki and shaved ice at lunch. It was very delicious. After we ate lunch, we enjoyed swimming, too. We swam for three hours and we went back our home. I returned to my house and slept at once because I was very tired. It became good memories of summer vacation. Next, we plan to go to the pool. I am looking forward to go there. I want to go soon♪
August 15th
My plan!!
I will go on a three day trip to Kagawa and Kobe with my mother in September. We will stay overnight in Kagawa and we will stay overnight in Kobe the second day. My older brother lives in Kagawa because he studies jurisprudence at Kagawa University. So we will see him and we will have guided there. Sanuki Udon is very famous in Kagawa. So I want to eat it. And hot spring is famous, too. We will stay a Japanese style hotel with hot spring. The second day, we will go shopping a lot in Kobe. I want cute shoes and a lot of clothes. And there a lot of delicious foods in Kobe. I am looking forward to this trip very much.
[125 words/1782 words]
This is my favorite shaved ice. I ate it for the first time when I was a kindergartner. My father often took me to the restaurant when I was a small. There is the restaurant in Kamitori. I like color of this shaved ice. The color is cobalt blue and it is very beautiful. Of course I like the taste, too. This is a taste of milk. It is very sweet and delicious. Moreover, we can eat it only 280 yen. Please try to eat!!♪
[87 words/1657 words]
I went to eat a Chinese noodle at Daikinton. This shop is introduced with the magazine of Tankuma. The magazine is one of the famous magazines in Kumamoto. It was showed that this shop was very popular. So I wanted to go there and wanted to eat the Chinese noodle. Today, I could eat it at last. The recommendation of this shop is a Tsukemen and I ordered it. The soup was a flavor of the dried bonito and it was very rich. A very feature thing is the noodle. It was very thick and elastic. It was very delicious and I became a full stomach.
[107 words/1570 words]

I planed to go to the beach with Yukari, Shoko, Rika, Izumi, and Eri. But, it was rainy at this morning and today's weather forecast was for rain. We talked over going to beach and we decided not to go there today. So we went to bowling. I am sorry that Eri did not come because of late riser. I want to go with her next time.First, we ate lunch at Swiss and we talk a lot there. After then, we took print club stickers.
Second, we went to bowling!! I am not good at it. But I was ready and willing. We played it twice. My score was 67 at the first game and 43 at the second game. That figures. I am poor at bowling. I was surprised that Izumi is very good at it. Her average score was about 120!! I respected her. Yukari, Shoko and Rika was same level and their score was about 90. I was the worst player, but I enjoyed to play bowling very much. I want to be good player and I want to play again.
Finally, we went to Karaoke for tow hours. We singed a lot of songs and we enjoyed the time. I went to Karaoke with Rika at the first time. Rika was very good at sing so I was moved by her songs. We talked about love because we often singed love songs. I do not love so I want to fall in love with someone. After we finished Karaoke, we said good bye. I live near Yukari's home, so we went back to our home together by bus. We talked about many things in the bus. I had a very good time today. We promised to them that we go to the beach next Sunday and go to the swimming pool someday. I want to go there soon♪♪
[317 words/1463 words]
I have liked an omelet containing fried rice since early childhood. Today, I went to Swiss for a lunch with Izumi, Yukari, Shoko, Rika. We are Eibei friends. Izumi and I ordered omelet containing fried rice. It had demi glace sauce and the sauce was very delicious. I want to eat it again.
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My car
I always have good days. But, I had a very bad day on Jun. It was a day that I had a traffic accident at the first time. It was very awful for me.
I got my driver's license on this spring. Since then, I drive to Kumamoto Gakuen University from my home almost every day. I went to school by my car and I tried to return to my house by my car on the day too. At that time, I was in the accident. When I ran straight by my car on the road near my house, one car has suddenly bursted from a shop. I was very surprised and I stepped on the brake strongly I possible to do. But I crashed into the car. We closed our car at a road shoulder and we talked each other. The car's owner was a middle aged woman and she gave her little daughter a ride. She apologized to me again and again. I thought that I was careless, too. My car brake down so I left it in a car shop for repair. Having no car was very inconvenient. But, today My car came back to my home!! I was happy. At once, I drove. It was very fun.