
Movie review3 Cars

This time, Isaw a movie with my mother and the title is "Cars". I have no interest in cars at all. So first, I had no interest in this movie, too. In other words, I did not want to see it very much. But I like movies of Walt Disney. I knew that movie is a movie of Walt Disney, too. So I started to see this movie with hesitation.

First of all, this movie began with a scene of car racing. Three cars reached their goal at the same time and they would race again in California one week later. The one car was called King and he decided to retire from car racing on the cup, because he was old to race. The second car's name was Chick and he always got second place. The last car's name was Lightning McQueen and he was the leading character. He had a wonderful technique and talent of car racing, so he had a lot of fans. But McQueen was self-conscious and egotistic. A lot of people around him had hostile to his action. So he did not have any friends. I understood the thing because he have no person who he gave some ticket of his racing cup. I had pity on him. When I watched this movie for fifteen minutes, I noticed that there were no humans in this movie. They were all cars. it was a very strange world!! On his way to California, he had an accident and he arrived one little town. The town's name was Radiator Springs. The town did not appear on the map because the freeway completed and the town went downhill, but there were cars who were considerate of other people. McQueen lived there with them and he felt sympathy for the town little by little. I liked Meter who was one of character in this town. Because he was dirty but he was very kind and pure. His pure mind was very cute and unique. So I liked him very much. I want to be his friend.
At the cup in California, the cars of the town helped McQueen and cheered. Thanks to them, he was going to the goal first. But finally, he abandoned his victory and he opted to helped King who did not move due to a crash.

I finished seeing this movie, I felt that kindness to other people is very precious!! We usually want to put other people before ourselves. It is very difficult for us to fall victim to others. I thought that it is very brave. I want to be a person as McQueen. This movie was very good, beyond my expectation.

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