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I read this book.
The title is The Emperor's New Clothes. The Japanese title is Hadakanoousama. It means The naked emperor. The reason why I chose this book is that because I have forgotten this story.
The title is The Emperor's New Clothes. The Japanese title is Hadakanoousama. It means The naked emperor. The reason why I chose this book is that because I have forgotten this story.
This is a story that an emperor who loved clothes is deceived. The emperor had a problem. The emperor had nothing to wear for the royal procession. So, he commanded his servant to look for the finest clothes-makers. But the servant brought two cheats and the emperor was prey for them. They did not make clothes, but they were smooth-talkers. The emperor was mistaken that he wears splendid clothes. Actually, he processioned with his nude. Then one boy said, "Ooh! The emperor's got nothing on! "Soon the whole crowd was chanting. " The emperor's got no clothes on!" The emperor noticed it, too and he escaped.
It is very easy to read. This book have a lot of pictures and I was able to read this without getting tired.
I yearn for the emperor, but I think he is stupid. Because he did not notice early that he was nude. It was a very funny story.
[196 words/ 483 words ]
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